Get the focus and clarity you need to ignite your business success


Does your business not live up to the big dream you had when you started your entrepreneurial journey?

Have you a big idea, but just not sure where to start?

Do you have a vision of the difference you want to make in the world but are struggling with identifying your targeted ideal client, your offering and service?

Do you just know you have a calling to make a worldwide impact and unsure of how your skills and experiences translate into a real world product?

Do you just not want to take years wondering? Years going down the wrong path wasting time energy and money?

I get it, I have spent years and thousands of dollars, building online courses, books, podcasts, workshops and mentoring.

I know the effort and sleepless nights that go in building your dream business.

And as an advisor to a number of property, finance, personal development and wellness start ups companies, I am on the ground floor of seeing many businesses come to life.

Let's face it: a good idea, even if strategically executed, may not bring success if you don't know who your ideal client is. This can cost you time and money and for some even more.

If you want to jump over the obstacles, and not waste your time on following every bright shiny thing, but have clarity and confidence about your offering and how to bring it to the world, then the Business Clarity Package can help you get the focus and clarity you need to bring your business idea to life. But it all starts with getting to know who you serve on a deeper level than you have ever done before.

The Process:

This package is made up of two, 2 hour sessions.

In the first session we use the an intuitive practice, to not just identify your ideal client but get to know them on a deeper level. You will get to know them in an intimate way; their problems and needs, fears and desires - what keeps them up at 2 am. How your core story connects to them and how your can craft a client journey that takes them from engagement to conversion to repeat client.

Once we have this knowledge, we can then identify how your unique skills and experience can provide a solution for what they need, this is typically called the Meta Myth (the big story of your ideal client), but we take this further to create a MEGA Myth.

In the second session we explore your unique business offering, I craft a Custom GPT marketing Assistant for you and start creating marketing material and messaging that will serve you and connect you with your ideal client.

After the 4 hours together you will be clear on your next steps to execute your plan to build your dream business and tools to support you doing just that.

So let's get started!

Wondering if the Business Clarity Package is for you?

Let's jump on a call and see how we can work together

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